One thing I always busy to my employees was the importance of checking in when they got to labor & checking out before leaving, however i needed an accurate account of their time & attendance. Whenever I was on schedule at my place of employment, I was diligent about clocking in & out.
I knew that if I forgot to clock in, I wouldn’t get paid for that afternoon.
I didn’t want to put in eight hours of labor & not get paid because I was too lazy to clock in. I also didn’t want people to doubt when I left because I forgot to clock out, and maybe it was easier for me than it is now, then now they have time & attendance software for clocking in & out. I had to pass the time clock, & it was hard to forget to clock in when coming in, but you had to pass the time clock when walking out. I am now older & toiling in a cannabis dispensary. I still don’t want to be accused of trying to get hours I didn’t labor because I didn’t use the cannabis time & attendance software, and all you need to do is tap the director on the shoulder & let them know you’re there… The director can honestly adjust the cannabis time & attendance software if they are aware of when you came in & went home, and don’t expect them to be mind readers & suppose it when you said you were there at 9 AM when the first time they saw you was at 10 AM. No matter how great the cannabis time & attendance software is, it will only labor well when it is used.