I don’t think anyone actually thinks that someday they will need medical marijuana.
I know some people who have been potheads since my associate and I were teenagers.
They often said they wished someday they would make recreational marijuana legal so they could buy it somewhere, but that isn’t the same as medical marijuana use, then people who use medical marijuana have a medical condition that current medicine can’t help. I’ve tried several over-the-counter as well as prescription medicines for insomnia. I will sleep well for one or two nights as well as then I’m done. I sit awake for hours, afraid to get up as well as wake my husband, but when I finally go to sleep, I wake up two hours later, as well as I am wide awake. If I slept past 4 AM as well as had gotten to sleep before 1 AM, I feel like I had gotten enough sleep, but by dinner time, my body is jumpy from lack of sleep, but I can’t nap. Most medicines the nurse has given me, makes me feel like I’m walking in a fog for most of the day. I have nightmares or I see people walking around the room, but they don’t talk to me, over-the-counter medications do the same thing. The nurse told me he wanted me to try CBD, even though he wanted me to get it at the medical marijuana dispensary. He was sure the CBD would be purer as well as would work better than what you get in the store or pharmacy. I diagnosed the pharmacy for CBD, but it was so expensive that I almost fainted, but it was cheaper than going to the marijuana dispensary.