I really like sleeping after smoking weed

I was hanging out with some guys at the gym as well as I mentioned the fact that my knees were aching.

I was playing hoops at the time as well as I needed an excuse for missing 77% of my jump shots.

I mentioned my own aching knees as well as I told the guys that I wasn’t sleeping absolutely well. One of my coworkers that goes to the gym with me mentioned recreational marijuana. The guy seemed like he was an expert on recreational marijuana. He told me that he actually sleeps absolutely well after going to the gym, especially when he smokes recreational marijuana. I asked the guy if he meant smoking weed. When I was a kid, a lot of kids smoked weed in gym class or after hoops practice. Back in my day, my friend and I called all those people’s stoners. I actually told my coworker that I was not ready to become a marijuana smoker. Only a couple of afternoons later, my knees were hurting worse than they ever have been in the past as well as I told my neighbor that I wanted some of the weed. He brought me a joint that was already rolled up as well as ready to go. I actually smoked the marijuana joint when I got a cab from the gym. I must have slept for 8 hours or more. I absolutely do not remember falling asleep, even though I did not wake up until the next day when the sun was bright as well as shining through the window. I absolutely like sleeping as well as smoking weed as well as it does help with the pain in my knees. I just do not want all the people to guess that I am a horrible man because I use marijuana products.

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