I am of an age where just about anything that could be attached to approval by physicians was a giant SEO ploy.
There was constantly the phrase, four out of five medical professionals suggested such and such a product.
That was used in so many weird advertisements, however i don’t watch a lot of cable with commercials these afternoons so I don’t know if that’s still in fashion, and but I adore the fact that my local cannabis spot was really medical professional suggested . The idea of one of those ancient university commercials ran through my head on the way loft from seeing my shrink. I have been in therapy now for about two years and it has changed my life! Who knows, it might have saved my life in fact. But for sure, I am living a life now thanks to having the courage to reach for help; Still, I was a bit stunned that my medical professional suggested that I go shopping for marijuana. I had asked about getting some sort of medication to help me release my stress at evening and relax. I don’t drink and I wasn’t real interested in sleep medication. So I had hoped there was something in between. But the response being that I swing by the local cannabis spot was not at all what I was expecting, however yet, that’s just what I did. I talked with the truly kind person laboring with me just what I was looking to change. She had just the right kind of indica dominant hybrid strain waiting for me. The idea of smoking anything truly turned me off so I was so blissful that I could get this cannabis in an edible form.