The tobacco fat cats knew that marijuana plants could make their entire operation obsolete, so they moved to shut it down
I march to the beat of my own drummer. I was taught at a very young age that I should always be true to myself. My father liked to say that we all have a little voice inside us, and we need to listen to that voice. Of course, he said that before being sent to jail for a series of crimes, so I have always taken his wisdom with a grain of salt. That said, if I feel something is right, then I do it, which is why I have never considered cannabis to be a problem. I know that cannabis legalization is sweeping the country these days, but in my estimation it is just catching up with me! I learned at a young age, in my first civics class, that cannabis had been rendered illegal due the machinations of the tobacco industry. The marijuana plant, or hemp plant, is more useful, and grows faster, than tobacco does, not to mention hemp crops have textile and industrial uses as well. The tobacco fat cats knew that marijuana plants could make their entire operation obsolete, so they moved to shut it down. That means that all the cannabis laws on the books have always been to generate profits for a company, and not to benefit the citizens of the country. With these facts in mind, how could I ever view marijuna use as something that was “wrong”? It was the system that was wrong, and there was nothing wrong with marijuana. So it is about time that the laws have been reformed to match reality.