For multiple weeks before the 420 sale, one marijuana dispensary was discussing the major sales that they would have going on during that week. Both of us expected wonderful prices on all products that we used correctly. Both of us used medical marijuana products for multiple years and this was the only time that we had thought about the April celebration. It sounded very exciting when most of us talked to other people that generally experienced this type of Celebration. When both of us got within the first week of our celebration time, we found the medical marijuana dispensary advertising discounted products. On normal weekends, all of us acquire 30 or 15% off most of the medical marijuana products. There were discount tears on the week of the 420 celebration. Sales had to occur during the celebration week. On trip number one to the medical marijuana shop, the owner provided a discount for the entire order, however you were minute trip into the medical marijuana shop gave you a percentage of 20%. The third was 30 and so on and so on. Of course not many people can afford to go to the medical marijuana shop that many times and then it easily becomes a discount. You cannot take advantage of. They did not offer any samples and no one was acquiring a discount during that week. We seem to wait a little bit longer in order to get a good deal and it turned out to be right after that first week of May.