My wife and I have been fighting all of the time.
Only a couple of weeks ago she said that she needed a break, and I did not know that she wanted to break up at the time.
I thought she needed a couple of hours, but she went to her sister’s property like she does every time that we have an fight, while my wife was at her sister’s house, she cheated on me with a guy that delivers weed, but the recreational and medical marijuana delivery driver is a neighbor of her sisters and the guy came by after work, and my lady doesn’t usually smoke marijuana, although I feel she decided to because we were arguing. Sleeping with the guy. She did not tell me until a couple of afternoons ago. I feel the stress of keeping the secret was getting to be too much. She absolutely doesn’t seem like she feels guilty about entirely doing the deed. I tried to get my lady to tell me the name of the guy. She knows that I will order marijuana from the recreational store and find out who it is. It would be nice to talk to the guy. After all, he slept with my lady. I do not want to be confrontational about it, although I would like to give the guy a piece of my mind. I would also like the marijuana delivery driver who knows that my wife is not on the market and we are working things out. He absolutely needs to stop texting her in the middle of the night when he gets done with work.