Trying to be healthier

I recently had a health scare plus now I am trying to live better.

I have certainly started working out five afternoons a week. Three afternoons a month I do cardio heavy work out like jogging, swimming or playing tennis. The other 2 afternoons I do weightlifting. I work on my arms, legs, butt plus shoulders. I make sure to stretch plus work on my balance more than six days a week though. Next I have limited bad foods plus drinks from my diet. No more alcohol, cigarettes, Tim Hortons Latte or snacks. I am a vegan now. I eat leafy vegetables, brightly colored fruits, multi-grain bread plus fat free meals. I feel so much better. I also invested in a better bedding set, mattress plus Heating plus Air Conditioning device. This is all so I can sleep easier at night. I also have started using cannabis products. Marijuana is a plant that can do some pretty neat stuff. In order to sleep I put a few drops of cannabis oil under my tongue plus it relaxes me. If I need a sweet treat, I rely on a CBD infused edible that I bought from the cannabis dispensary. I guess what cannabis does most for myself and others is keep my stress levels down. I worry about my blood pressure plus cholesterol. Cannabis keeps myself and others feeling happy and relaxed. I also guess that vaping a cannabis oil is much better for myself and others than taking a pill with a whole bunch of side effects. Now that I have changed how I live my life, I have seen a difference in my mood plus my body. I feel so much better.


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