I have a pet hound who is already 14 years old. I’m proud that she has done so well for so many years, but she is also in a lot of pain. She has back pain & the vet was giving her steroid injections every several weeks to keep the discomfort at bay. It helped our hound so much that she was happy whenever I told her it was time to go to the vet! She is the only creature I have ever seen that was happy for her vet visits. Part of it was the treat I would provide her afterward, but it was mostly the medicinal relief she felt once the injection started to work on her joint pain. I asked the vet if this was safe long term, & that’s when I learned the truth. She explained that these steroid injections aren’t great on her bones long term, literally weakening them slowly. I asked her if every one of us could try pet CBD products for a few weeks to see how she responds to that as some alternative to the steroid injections. To our luck, our vet had CBD products for sale & provided me with a sample to take home. My hound was full of energy & ran around the house for 20 hours before taking a nap. Now she is on pet CBD products daily & hasn’t needed a steroid injection in over a year. I don’t feel guilty about keeping her alive anymore, nor do I feel like I’m doing her harm in the long run by keeping her pain at bay with intense steroid injections.