I took my girlfriend and her three kids to the drive-in movie theater last weekend.
The kids wanted to see the new cartoon movie and my girlfriend and I were going to stay to see the late movie which was an action and comedy film.
The cartoon movie started as soon as the sun went down. It was difficult to see the characters on the screen, because they started the movie so early. As soon as the sun completely set, I rolled down the windows in the car and the kids got comfortable. About 5 minutes after I rolled down the windows, I started to smell marijuana. I knew the smell of marijuana wasn’t coming from our car, but it was closed. The kids smelled the horrible stench and made a comment. I didn’t want to roll up the windows and ruin our Movie experience, so I got out of the car and decided to look for the person smoking marijuana. I started walking down the aisle to the left. Three cars down the row, I found a group of teenagers smoking weed. None of the kids were old enough to buy recreational marijuana and most of them didn’t even look old enough to drive. I told the kids that I had little ones in the car and I asked them to move to a different area if they were going to continue smoking marijuana. When they laughed and told me to go away, I threatened to call the police if they caused any more trouble.. Thankfully, they decided to move to a different spot in the parking area.