Instead of putting in sizable marijuana orders every couple of weeks, we were now going to be able to go every day if it was in our budget
After a few years of marijuana being legal, more and more dispensaries began opening up throughout the state. However, up until a few months ago, there were none nearby where I lived. The closest one was about an hour away. Recently, that changed when a new dispensary opened up just around the corner from my home. It only took a few weeks for us to get to know the owners and become regular customers. I first heard about the dispensary from a close friend, and we had a very goofy mix up. I had just got done watching a scary movie, so when she said “cannabis,” I heard “cannibal.” I couldn’t understand why he would be excited about cannibals moving into our neighborhood. I was instantly terrified and made a big production out of it. My friend was shocked by my reaction. After a few minutes of confusion, we sorted out the misunderstanding. He and I could not stop laughing. We laughed until we literally cried. Once we calmed down, we shared our excitement for the new dispensary. There would be so many benefits to having a cannabis dispensary in our community. Instead of putting in sizable marijuana orders every couple of weeks, we were now going to be able to go every day if it was in our budget. I have to confess that there are a lot of reasons I like having a cannabis dispensary in my backyard. Even before they opened, they interviewed me, hired me, plus trained me to be a budtender.
Cannabis edibles