It’s getting closer to the winter holidays and I’m much more excited than I was last year. We were still facing strict lockdowns in my area last year as we progressed into the winter season. Although I still wear my mask in public and follow basic hygienic recommendations for preventing viral spread, it’s nice to finally be vaccinated and to see the infection rates drop throughout the entire country. I’m going to see friends I haven’t been around in ages and will do more decorating than the year before. Some of my favorite stores are already having holiday promotions even though we haven’t hit Black Friday yet. The craft stores have a pre-Christmas sale where you can get Christmas related items for 50% off until Thanksgiving. The cannabis dispensaries have been running consistent holiday sales and promotions as well. I got a quarter of an ounce of Purple Punch cannabis flower buds for 50% off on Halloween because I wore a costume to the dispensary that day. For Thanksgiving this year, they’re running a food drive where you get 10% off if you bring in three cans of food during your visit. I’m excited for the eventual Black Friday sale, followed by the online purchase sale at dispensaries during Cyber Monday the following week. This is the time of the year when you see the most cannabis dispensary sales from one week to the next. It’s nice getting all of your products with some form of discount or clearance promotion every single time you shop for weed products. I hate paying full price at a particular cannabis dispensary if I know I can get a similar strain at a different dispensary for much less.