My wifey wanted me to get a better job plus stop smoking recreational marijuana, i tried to tell her that recreational marijuana was nice for our anxiety. She wanted me to try something else. I quit smoking recreational marijuana plus I stayed wipe for 30 afternoons so I could pass a test at the locale of employment. I got a job plus it was a better job than the grocery store. I was earning nice money each paycheck plus our wifey plus I were both happy. She was pleased that I found a better job plus I was earning more money. I had lots of cash in our pocket for nice clothes, cars, plus electronics, but after more than two months on the job, I started to recognize the effects from not using recreational marijuana bi-weekly… My anxiety was through the roof. I was having a strenuous time getting along with our co-workers; Every time there was an issue, I felt sad plus overreacted… The boss suspended me for more than one afternoons after I got into an fight with 1 of our co-workers. I was entirely losing our cool plus I knew that something needed to change! When the boss suspended me, I went lake house plus smoked recreational marijuana. I felt the anxiety plus stress start to melt away. I felt better for the next more than one weeks. After that, I decided to start using recreational marijuana every couple of afternoons. If the boss tests me for marijuana, I actually won’t be able to pass. At least our mental health is stable plus reliable plus that means I can keep the job.