I was listening to someone speaking the other day, and they were talking about Delta eight CBD.
They said that even though it is selling over-the-counter as CBD, there is enough THC in the Delta eight product that they are getting high.
This person came right out and said that purchasing Delta eight over-the-counter was one of the cheapest highs he’d ever gotten. I shook my head in disbelief. I use CBD products, and I purchase them at a local dispensary. There isn’t enough THC in an entire batch of CBD Gummies to get me high. I said something to my husband about Delta eight CBD, and he was telling me how our son was talking about it. He swore it was all THC and very little CBD, so I did my research. No matter what you read, it reads as being nearly pure CBD. Whether Delta eight is pure CBD or has a good amount of THC, I don’t care. I didn’t plan on buying it or any other CBD product unless I was in a marijuana dispensary. I need to admit, however, that I received a sample of CBD products in the mail. The CBD roll-on is amazing for helping small areas of pain. The Gummies relaxed my body enough that I could actually sleep. If I can remember where I got the samples from, it may be the only place where I would consider buying my CBD that wasn’t a marijuana dispensary. When I said this to my husband, he pulled out a receipt that he had kept. The place from which I got the CBD samples was another dispensary.