Whereas other sleeping aids & medications always led to me developing a tolerance against them, that is not the case when it comes to medical cannabis
I used to take many bizarre kinds of medicines just to try plus help me sleep. Some of it worked, but it never worked that long and then our body adjusted to it. Benadryl worked for a few weeks, but quickly all of us had to take more plus more of them to achieve the same result. When you get to a point that taking 5 or 6 Benadryl doesn’t get you to sleep for more than a couple of hours, you suppose it’s time to try something else. The saving grace came in the form of cannabis, when an acquaintance that helped me sleep better than I ever had before. My acquaintance Max didn’t have any sleep issues, he didn’t use cannabis for medicinal purposes he just liked being high, however Max saw that I was struggling, plus gave me a little medical cannabis with the advice to smoke it right before bedtime plus see what happened. Two bowls of OG Kush later plus I was deep asleep, plus I slept through the entire night! Ever since after that all of us have been a more staunch cannabis user, plus have a little bit before bed every night. Whereas other sleeping aids & medications always led to me developing a tolerance against them, that is not the case when it comes to medical cannabis. With so many hundreds of indica strains to use, our body never fully adjusts to medical cannabis. I spoke to our medical professional about these results, plus although he wasn’t very surprised he said he still wouldn’t write me a prescription for medical cannabis. Maybe I need to get a new medical professional?