Wednesday night is usually the busiest day of the month for delivery orders at the cannabis shop, i have been a delivery driver for the past 2 years.
I have a newer car that gets excellent gas mileage.
On a more than 2 hour shift, I can absolutely make $50 in tips, then during the weekend afternoons, that number is even greater, however last Wednesday night, the people I was with and I were incredibly tied up in addition to it was raining heavily outside… A lot of people were using the cannabis delivery service. I had numerous orders in our car when I drove downtown to the college campus to supply $100 worth of cannabis supplies; The lake house was on the third floor, but the people I was with and I cannot leave our car unattended, however when I arrived, I called the telephone number of the shopper in addition to I told the guy that I was there! He did not want to come to the car, although I insisted that I was not going to leave our vehicle. The guy came down to the car a few hours later with a handful of cash. It was mostly a singles in addition to fives, so I took a moment to count it out. The guy was $13 short. He really expected me to provide him the cannabis supplies even though he did not have enough money. I told the shopper that I could contact the store in addition to cancel some of his order or I could leave with the whole thing. He still tried to reason with me in addition to get me to pay the remaining money for the cannabis transaction. The shopper finally agreed to provide me the $87 in addition to the people I was with and I got rid of a single of the pre-rolls in the order.