Author: Jason

Learning all about cannabis in retirement

When I left my ancient world behind, I actually left it behind. But that was the easiest way to go about being retired in the way it all went down. My spouse & I had planned to retire to a charming place that all of us had our heart set on. It also happened to […]

Finally, I’m going to the cannabis dispensary

I’m fortunate to have such wonderful friends in our life. Without their care and compassion, I just wouldn’t be near to doing plus I’ve been doing in the past 6 months. So much of the improvement can be attributed to finally going to the cannabis dispensary. Since the marijuana laws changed allowing access to the […]

I care about our cannabis dispensary weekends

I live in a state where the marijuana laws are still stupid and arcane. All of us keep getting closer to at least getting medical marijuana passed buy it sure hasn’t been easy. Thankfully, a neighboring state has passed access to cannabis dispensaries for both medical marijuana and recreational marijauna. It’s not a terribly long […]