Author: Jason

I wish I had discovered cannabis sooner

Then I read about the people getting off their highly addictive opiate pain killers in favor of medical marijuana. I feel stupid for opposing marijuana for so many years. I’m a byproduct of the D.A.R.E. generation where all of us had to attend classes once a year through elementary school bemoaning the dangers of drugs. […]

My ideas about cannabis were stupid

Then I learn about the people getting off their highly addictive opiate pain killers in favor of medical marijuana. I feel stupid for opposing marijuana for so many years. I’m a byproduct of the D.A.R.E. generation where we had to attend classes once a year through elementary school bemoaning the dangers of drugs. As most […]

I was very wrong about marijuana

I feel stupid for opposing marijuana for so many years. I’m a byproduct of the D.A.R.E. generation where we had to attend classes once a year through elementary school bemoaning the dangers of drugs. As most these days would expect, the emphasis venued on dangers from marijuana use was disportionately higher than any other drug, […]

Marijuana has really helped me to relax

I feel stupid for opposing marijuana for so many years. I’m a byproduct of the D.A.R.E. generation where we had to attend classes once a year through elementary school bemoaning the dangers of drugs. As most these days would expect, the emphasis placed on dangers from marijuana use was disportionately higher than any other drug, […]