Did medical cannabis protect me from COVID?

Over the last three years, or however long it’s been since COVID took over the world, I have managed to not get sick.

  • I have never been a very fitness-oriented person.

I don’t work out, I rarely watch what I eat, and I have several very bad habits. Why the COVID virus never got me, I will never know. Perhaps one of my bad habits helped to protect me from becoming sick. I don’t believe everything I read online, of course, but I read a blog the other day that got me thinking. This writer said that users of medical cannabis showed far less likelihood of contracting the COVID virus. Specifically it was the people who smoked medical cannabis, instead of taking it in edible form. I don’t know if it’s true or not, but I kind of love the idea that smoking medical cannabis didn’t hurt my health, it bolstered my health! I suppose that’s the whole point, isn’t it? We call it medical marijuana because despite its bad reputation this plant contains a host of medicinal benefits. I am not claiming to know anything about science, but I choose to believe that the regular consumption of medical cannabis boosted my immune system, and acted like a suit of armor to protect my lung tissue against the COVID virus. During the last few years I came into contact with a lot of people who had COVID, and yet thanks to medical cannabis I never got sick once. I’m sure that the scientists in the medical cannabis industry will provide science to back this up.

cannabis information

We lost our only medical cannabis dispensary

I live in a small town way down south, one of the towns that got smashed to pieces by that last hurricane.

For all the damage we took in this area, I am blessed to say that my house wasn’t harmed very much.

I lost power for a few days, which was inconvenient, but compared to a lot of other people I got off easy. It took a few days before I heard the bad news. Although my house was fine, a lot of local businesses and homes were completely destroyed with wind and flood damage. One of those businesses was the local medical cannabis dispensary, which is the only one in the area. This may not sound like a big deal to you, but that store was the only place I could legally buy medical cannabis around here. I don’t own a car, so I can’t drive to another town and use their medical cannabis dispensary. With nothing else to do with my time I decided to walk across the ruins of town to the spot of the medical cannabis shop and see what was left of it. Much to my surprise the medical cannabis shop looked to be mostly intact, except that it was a few blocks away from where it used to be. The high flood water had snatched the building off the foundation and sent it floating down the street, leaving a trail of soggy medical cannabis in its wake. I spent all day hunting around for lost packages of medical cannabis, but found nothing I could smoke!



medical marijuana dispensary

Medical cannabis keeps me young at heart

I hate to admit that I’m getting old, but it’s finally happening.

I have always felt that “age is nothing but a number” and that being young at heart can keep you young in appearance as well. This philosophy has proved itself valid over the last couple of decades. People tend to think I am 15 to 20 years younger than I really am. Sometimes I will even get carded when I buy liquor, which makes me feel great!. Speaking of liquor, it is part of my philosophy. In keeping myself young at heart I indulge daily in bourbon and medical cannabis. When I was in college thirty five years ago I first discovered medical cannabis, and I fell in love with it. I wanted to get stoned every day, and all these years I still use medical cannabis daily. I try not to overindulge, and enjoy things in moderation, but I still drink a little bourbon whiskey and smoke some medical cannabis every single day. This is why I seem so young to people, because I still treat myself like a young person who wants to enjoy life. Anyone who says medical cannabis is bad for your health needs to take a look at me. The old comedian George Burns was famously old, and said the key to a long life was smoking a cigar every day. I think the same way, except I prefer medical cannabis over tobacco. Tobacco is highly addictive and a carcinogen, and medical cannabis is neither of those things. Medical marijuana keeps me feeling young at heart.
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Why can’t I have access to legal cannabis?

I am stoked that medical cannabis was legalized, but since I don’t have a prescription it doesn’t do me a lot of good.

I’m sure that recreational weed will be legal in a few more years, but I would prefer it happen sooner rather than later.

My doctor is an honest guy, and told me flat out he would not prescribe medical cannabis for me because I had no real need for it. I explained that my mental health and emotional strength benefited greatly from using medical cannabis, so he told me to ask my therapist instead. I can’t even go inside the medical cannabis dispensary to look around, because they check IDs and prescription cards at the door. What harm could there be in letting me inside to see what kinds of medical cannabis they have? A couple of my friends do have prescriptions for medical cannabis, but they can’t help me out very much. The way the legal medical cannabis prescriptions work is that you have a maximum limit for how much you can buy at one time, and how much you can buy in one month. The computer system at the cannabis dispensary keeps track of your purchases, so after a certain point you can get cut off. Neither of my friends can afford to sell me their medical marijuana, because they have a limited amount of it. Thankfully my little brother Ike still sells medical cannabis out of his dorm room on campus. His medical cannabis is usually very low quality, but it’s better than nothing.

cbd products

Helped me pick a spot for my cannabis dispensary

I was at a loss on where I should put my cannabis dispensary.

I was working on all the legal side of things.

I got the paperwork done and financing. I was ready to begin the process of starting my own business. I needed the address for my facility. Problem was I didn’t know where I was going to go. I looked all throughout town and talked to a real estate agent. I quickly realized the woman knew nothing about cannabis and what would be a good building for it. So I decided to try a cannabis consulting service to see if they could push me in the right direction. That guy was just amazing. First there are rules against where you can build a dispensary. You can be anywhere that children could frequent like a school, daycare or playground. You also don’t want to be near certain areas like another cannabis dispensary. The guy researched all throughout town and what buildings are nearby. He then provided me with a list of options of buildings that are for sale and what area they are in. He strongly advised me against going further into the city due to the competition. He assessed the market and determined that there wasn’t enough demand for another business. He also told me the type of store I open will be different depending on where I build. If I build in a small town, I need to stick to that vibe. I never would have thought about that.

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