I’m getting a new car finally

I have been working every single day that my boss will allow, so I can earn enough money to buy a new car.

  • I use my car every day as a delivery driver.

Cannabis drivers make great tips, especially during these hard times. Unfortunately, my car has had one problem after another. First it was the AC and then it was the speedometer. Now thus cruise control won’t work either. I have to use my car for work, because I am a delivery driver for a recreational and medical cannabis shop. Even though the interior functions of my car are faulty, it still runs and drives from point A to point B. I told my boss that I was willing to work all the overtime that he would allow. I told the guy about the problems with my car. He gave me three extra shifts every week and I’ve had four extra shifts for the past six weeks. I finally have enough money to buy a new car. The tips from the cannabis deliveries have been exceptionally nice thanks to the holiday season. Everyone seems to tip better during Thanksgiving and Christmas. I’m hoping to find a new car after the holidays are over. My dad said that is the best time to look for a vehicle because of the quarterly budget and sales. I think it would be nice to finally buy a car with four doors, but as long as I am working as a cannabis delivery driver, it makes more sense to buy an economical, two-door car that doesn’t guzzle gas and is eco-friendly.

Hybrid strain for sale

It was cold before work, but I was sweating later

The weather has been getting colder and colder and I have a hard time when the temperatures are extremely low.

My car doesn’t run well when the temperatures are cold and my house is drafty in every room.

I have to sleep with a space heater, because it’s so cold in my bedroom. It was awfully chilly this morning when I woke up and got ready for work. I decided to wear something warm, because it is always cold at work too. I have been employed by a recreational and medical cannabis shop for the past eight months. Even during the summer when the temperatures were warmer, it was still extremely cold inside of the building. I’m not sure if it is the location of the cannabis shop, but it is always extremely cool indoors. I put on a pair of corduroy pants and a long-sleeve shirt with a sweater. When I walked out of the apartment, I was barely bothered by the cold weather that had to be shivering earlier that morning. When the sun came out, the temperatures started to get warmer. The cannabis shop was still cold, but I was wearing multiple layers of clothing and I actually became too warm. I took off my sweater and wore my long-sleeve shirt for the afternoon. I would have been too warm with the extra layer of clothing and I was happy that I didn’t decide to wear the sweater alone. The cannabis shop was busier than usual. I think the warm air and sunshine brought people out to the market and the strip mall.


Marijuana delivery

Buy four get one free is just as good as a discount

A brand new marijuana dispensary opened up at the edge of town near the farming businesses.

  • The shop is in a little center with a dentist, lawyer, and a realtor.

I was really excited to find out what type of first-time patient special they would have. After all, that is usually the biggest savings you can find at a cannabis dispensary. The shops around here offer 20% off. Every once in a while, I will visit a cannabis dispensary that has a 30% off first-time patient special. It is extremely rare. I read a story in the newspaper about the cannabis dispensary opening. They mentioned the website for more information. I found out when the grand opening would be and I was there The place is going to feature an ongoing sale on everything in the shop. All of the products are buy 4 and get one for free. You can even mix and match different strains and products. The first time I went to the store, I purchased 4 different types of dried marijuana flower. I never tried cannabis concentrate before, so I decided to get a gram of concentrate that was the same price as the packages of dried marijuana flower. I picked out a sativa called orange crush. I smelled exactly like lemons and tasted like licking the rind or peel. Since it was my first time using concentrate, the dispensary gave me a small dabbing tool for free. Buy four and get one free is a great discount and a sale that will allow me to try lots of different items.


Marijuana grower

The dispensary changed their sale days

My friends and I have always gone to the dispensary across the street from our house on Mondays, because that is the day when they have all of the concentrate on sale for 20% off.

  • We don’t have a lot of money, so we don’t go to the dispensary frequently.

They’ve had this sale for the past six months, so we had no reason to believe the sale would not be happening last Monday. We went to the dispensary and picked out several different types of cannabis concentrate. I went to the register first and I was surprised by the total. I had everything worked out in my head down to the dollar. I asked the budtender if she gave me 20% off for the sale and she told me that they no longer have that sale on Mondays. My heart sank right to the ground. I turned around and told my friends that the place wasn’t having a sale that day. All of them decided to cancel most of the Cannabis items in their order. I was already standing at the counter and the budtender already had me rang up. The manager came over to the cash register and he agreed to give me and my friends 10% off of our purchase. It was better than nothing, so I completed the entire purchase. My friends were still unhappy and decided to cancel most of their orders. They walked out of the dispensary with a couple of pre rolled joints. I didn’t have enough cannabis supplies to wait until the weekend, so I didn’t wait to save an additional 10%.

Marijuana business

I’m three years clean thanks to medical pot

After High School, I decided to explore the country with some friends.

My mom and dad wanted me to go to college and they were very angry and upset when I decided to see the world instead.

My friends and I embarked on a journey that changed my life forever. Things were hard out on the road and I had to do whatever possible to make money for our trip. Eventually I ended up with a serious drug problem. I lived on the streets for 15 years, begging and stealing to support my horrible drug habit. I finally hit rock bottom when I ended up in a hospital after an overdose. I called my mom and dad for the first time in eight years. I told my parents that I was ready to make a change and I begged them to let me come home. My dad was ready to write me off, but my mom agreed to let me come home. I knew it was important to stay clean, because I didn’t want to ruin my relationship with my parents again. One thing that helped me stay clean is medical marijuana. I started seeing a therapist regularly and she suggested medical marijuana. One of my biggest problems was mental health issues that had never been checked or addressed. When I started using marijuana regularly to help with my mental health, I saw a lot of changes immediately and it was a lot easier to stay away from other harmful substances. Medical marijuana gave me back my life and I’m going to get a fresh start and another chance to do things right.
recreational pot dispensary