A successful cannabis dispensary needs good security

You might question why the night security watchman for the cannabis dispensary would need to carry a gun.

  • This is a honorablequestion, however there is also a honorableanswer… My name is Duke, and I’ve been following all the latest chatter on the forum, but since people were talking about the security at dispensaries I thought I would weigh in with my expert opinion… I am the head security guard for my local dispensary and have been for multiple years, then when I work a afternoon shift, I never bring a gun into the medical cannabis dispensary sales area.

When the medical cannabis shop is open for business, the weapon is kept inside a locked gun safe in the store room… After minutes, when I am all alone in the medical cannabis store, that’s when I wear the gun on my side. Many of our purchasers expensive themselves medical cannabis experts, and think volumes of data about the strains they smoke. There is more to cannabis education than the weed, let me tell you! People need to get cannabis information about the corporation itself, and the dangers that surround it… For example, the federal government still has restrictions about the sale of medical cannabis, which is why you regularly have to pay currency for it. In an all-currency business, you run the risk of being targeted by thieves, and this is doubly true for a cannabis dispensary. Armed robbers care about to steal from cannabis dispensaries, because of the high amount of currency and the fact that cops don’t easily seem to care.

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