Bad experience with hemp, I just take CBD now

My state for a long time was only allowing medical cannabis. I really wanted to get my hands on some weed in order to sleep at night. Online I found that I could order CBD products. I figured it was too good to be true but purchased them anyway. When they came in the mail I thought they looked different than was advertised online. I realized upon reading the back that they were actually hemp products. Hemp products have more nutritional benefits than CBD but they aren’t going to help you sleep at night or reduce inflammation or anything. Hemp does come from the cannabis plant, but it barely does anything. I tried the hemp seed oil in my tea at night to help me sleep. First it tasted foul. It ruined my cup of evening tea. I could hardly drink it. I also didn’t sleep any differently after it. Since I bought it, I made myself use the entire bottle. It was a huge waste. Years later and now my state allows for CBD products and recreational weed. The first thing I did was go to the recreational weed shop near me and grab CBD oil. My experience with CBD products is night and day from hemp. The CBD oil has no taste, puts me right to sleep and lasts a really long time. I will never purchase a hemp product again just like I will never go without CBD oil again. It is healthier and way more effective than taking a sleeping pill.

Cbd topicals