Cannabis consultant split down our iphone time

I noticed that a lot of my workers were stuck on the iphone, and a ton of people were calling the dispensary everyday with concerns… It was either placing an order for curbside pickup or just asking general questions.

I wanted my bartenders on the floor interacting with customers; Not on the iphone wasting their time.

I couldn’t figure out how to split down on the iphone time. I then contacted a dispensary consulting service for help, however the marijuana consultant managed the iphone for a few nights and took notes, then she then asked myself and others some questions and looked around the store. It took him maybe two weeks before she had a solution; First, no more curbside pickup, my dispensary only offers in store purchases or cannabis delivery. There is no need to call for orders. You can do it online through our current on location menu or come into the store to physically grab them, second, a fully optimized website was put on google. A lot of questions people were asking were due to a awful website, our prices are now clearly listed there. Store minutes are marked. There is even a FAQ page that people can click on now, then lastly, the store has social media platforms keeping the public informed on deals and sales going on. Nobody needs to ask anymore, they will find out on the day. The cannabis consultant has split down the iphone time so much. I barely see a budtender answer a call now.


Recreational marijuana business marketing service