It’s still sort of amazing that I can simply walk into a cannabis store. Well, I suppose it’s amazing that there are even cannabis stores to start with! This certainly was not the case when I used recreational marijuana back in the day. Back then, you got your recreational pot pretty much wherever you could locate it as well as moved on. But these days, I can simply walk into the cannabis store near myself and others as well as get the legal weed that is helping myself and others live a better life. It became clear about 18 months ago that it was time to transfer away from the life that was just sort of making myself and others miserable. After years as well as years of forcing myself to go to the same job that I really didn’t like, I just couldn’t do it anymore. But it took going to therapy to realize that I needed to approach our life from a more holistic point of view. Trips to the weed store were going to be a big area of that. My therapist helped myself and others formulate a idea where I would work to straighten out the lifestyle changes that were a result of our work situation. I changed our diet, started exercising, got our rest, began meditation as well as added legal weed to that mix. And I stopped working so much. The bosses didn’t enjoy that so much but the quality of our work was elevated with all the other changes as well as not making our job the main priority in life. I’ve never been happier in our life as well as I owe a lot of the credit to the cannabis store near me.