She promised to get to the bottom of the complication
Once per week, I have someone come to my household to perform lawn care services. For the past numerous years, my hubby plus I have been using the same lawn care service. The owner of the supplier happens to be an older lady, but she does not work much anymore. Now she has a younger crew to handle most of the lawn work. One of the youngsters happens to be her child plus I have talked with that woman on a few occasions. The guys who were here to work on the lawn the other week were new faces that I have not seen in the past. One of the workers was smoking a cannabis joint in the backyard while she was trimming the hedges. I double checked to make sure it wasn’t a cigarette. I walked out back plus I could easily smell the terrible plus horrendous stench of marijuana in the air. To be entirely honest, I could not actually believe the woman was smoking cannabis in the backyard. She didn’t even bat an eye when I walked out back. After the crew finished with my lawn, I made the choice to call the owner of the supplier. She was surprised when she heard the news plus she apologized over plus over. She promised to get to the bottom of the complication. I never saw that woman again, so I assumed the owner of the lawn supplier had to fire her. I do not have any complications with cannabis plus I suppose it is most people’s individual right to use the plant. I do not suppose it should be used on the task though.