I was several nights late paying rent last week. I have been in this same lake house for several years, and have developed a rapport with the landlord… Because of this relationship, she allowed me to slide those several nights… She told me that it couldn’t happen again, because every week she had occupants giving him excuses for late payment. I decided to crack down on my budget and reduce spending, so that I am not in the same predicament next week! In a few weeks I should have some extra money saved up as an emergency fund, until then I need to tighten up! I started to look at the local cannabis dispensary websites to see if anyone was having a special sale. One of my largest expenses is on cannabis, so that was the first venue I needed to split spending; Normally I buy everything from the cannabis dispensary, so that I know exactly what I am getting, then this time I decided to call an old friend, who I knew sold cannabis out of her garage as a side hustle to her day task. I discovered that I could get an ounce of cannabis from him for half of what I was paying at the cannabis dispensary. Once I bought it and smoked it, I realized why her marijuana was so cheap – it was crap! The old saying goes “you get what you spend my money for” and when it comes to cannabis it is 100% true. Now I need to choose between smoking quality cannabis or getting my rent paid on time.