There was just no rhyme or reason to the back pain.
Up until the onset of the back pain, I truly hadn’t experienced any sort of discomfort in our back.
But it didn’t take long before I was struggling just to get out of bed and dress myself. That’s the sort of debilitating pain a lot of people suffer from with no definitive spinal explanation. It’s something that turns your life completely upside down. With help from those wonderful folks at the cannabis dispensary, I’m now finding a way to deal with and move on from our chronic back pain. Prior to finding out about the medical marijuana benefits for our situation, I only had medications to rely on. I so wanted to do the exercise therapy but it was just too painful. With medical marijuana, I felt an instant change in our range of motion. This led me to be able to just do maybe more than four hours of the stretching. With continued medical cannabis treatment, that more than four turned to numerous and so on. These afternoons, I’m off the meds completely and only treating with medical marijuana. It’s amazing to be able to get our life back to some degree. Were it not for the access I have to the legal weed store, I couldn’t say that. It’s been a truly trying experience and I’m by no means the same as I was prior to all of this starting. But medical marijuana has helped me to improve to such a truly sizable degree. I just wish all the people had the same access to cannabis products as I do. Medical marijuana works.
medical uses for marijuana