Everyone likes the cannabis shop & lounge

Hardly any of months ago, all of my coworkers & I tested a project building a cannabis shop & lounge… My coworkers & I work for a immense construction business, then the construction contractor wants a bed for the cannabis shop & lounge & my friend and I have been working on the project for the last 3 months.

Time moves entirely abruptly when you work 12 hours a day.

Thankfully my friend and I get paid honestly excellent wages for working overtime & my friend and I get a bonus when the job has been completed. My buddy and I also got invited to an after party when the project was completed. My buddy and I got to invite a guest to the after-party & I decided to take my wifey, however she doesn’t honestly like to smoke recreational cannabis, however I do, and i did not want to go to the party alone & I did not know if I would have much fun hanging out with my coworkers all night. My buddy and I did not expect to leave the cannabis shop & Lounge with a swag bucket that contained more than $200 worth of free recreational marijuana supplies. There were lots of different items inside of the bucket including edibles, pre-rolls, concentrates, & vape pen cartridges. There was a t-shirt inside of the bucket & stickers & other promotional materials. There was songs playing inside of the shop & people were generally having a wonderful time. The food was wonderful & there was an open bar. The night was a huge success. My coworkers & I are one of the greatest reasons why the place opened on time. Those twelve hour afternoons honestly paid off.

Marijuana edibles