I can’t say that the heart attack was actually all that surprising.
There is a history of heart issues in my family that goes back a few generations.
But more than anything else, it was the condition of my life that was the real warning sign. I spent a minimum of 70 hours a week working a very stressful job. When I ate, I ate garbage food. But mainly, I drank a lot of beer and cocktails. While I had used recreational weed back in the day, I pretty much was all into the drinking. I drank to sleep I think. My life was a mess. My relationships were a mess and I’m just lucky to have survived the heart attack. Thanks to a holistic life plan and legal cannabis, I’m finding that there is a lot more to life than work and booze. But it hasn’t been exactly easy either. Coming out of the hospital and getting a bit back on my feet came with a return of my unhealthy appetites. As part of the holistic plan, I chose to go to the cannabis store near me. It was suggested that I buy some legal weed. Recreational pot is legal in this state and it was encouraged that I get to the cannabis store near me to get some legal weed. The legal weed really helps me stick to my new changes by helping me to commit to this way of life. I’m so glad that I found legal pot and have incorporated it into my life. It’s been almost a year now and I lost nearly 50 pounds, changed jobs to where I work 40 hours a week and enjoy some wine now and again.