When both of us had a GPS tracker installed, my hubby believed there was easily one of the best things since the invention of bread.
I tried to remind all of us that there were sometimes when we used to get lost and had to use a map.
One time we also use the computer GPS to go to a pizzeria but both of us went to a Marina and we were fifteen or Twenty miles east of the place where we were going to be. She told myself and others that at least 15 years ago the GPS system was not reliable but now it was. That very next day both of us got into the truck and we’re ready to have an adventure going to a current marijuana shop in the city. The marijuana shop was boasting an event sale on all products and even the current purchasers would get 15% off if you were a senior citizen. My hubby placed the address for the dispensary into the GPS machine. Both of us were easily 20 miles from the place when both of us realized that the GPS was not actually taking us to that marijuana stop. This GPS system told us that we had 15 or 20 miles but it was clearly not in the same area and we seem to be going down more and more Country Roads. I made a second comment that I did not suppose the GPS was actually going to take us to a medical marijuana shop. She asked all of us to allow us to listen. Multiple hours later we were going into circles with no marijuana dispensaries anywhere close.
cannabis dispensary