Working from my home was always an odd transition and I did not want to make it.
I am not ambitious or even driven by work and in fact I’m the one person that was true to make money in addition to really appreciate my job.
I was going to find out that I had to start working from my home and beginning in may, the people I was with in addition to myself were happy about the choice. There was of course a reason that every one of us would choose to work from home and this is so we can sit directly on the sofa while enjoying a little bit of netflix. There’s nothing that there isn’t to like. I was easily concerned that cannabis would get out of hand if the people I was with in addition to myself were kneeling around everyday. At home there really is not much of an oversight and everyone of us know what type of things we can fix up. None of the bosses care that the people I was with in addition to myself use marijuana products as long as I am getting all of my work completed. Of course if my numbers will drop and I am not as productive, then it is going to be much more difficult for the people I was with in addition to myself to continue smoking marijuana products while still working from our home. I definitely don’t want to take any chance and jeopardize my really good job at home.