I do not remember what the strain or the THC content of that cannabis product, however it changed my life
I deal with plenty of stress and that’s an unfortunate part of my life. I’m just actually sensitive to stress and have been since I was a kid. Since about Junior High, stress has been an adverse component to my happiness. I experience anxiety and feelings of dread that made myself and others want to just stay at home. I recognize it’s just that I’m not built enjoy everybody else. My stress limits are real and when I go past them, the consequences are immediate and sometimes severe. So these afternoons, I find relief with a trip to the local cannabis spot, then back in the afternoon, my mom had the doctor put myself and others on all sorts of medications. These meds actually did have a odd effect on my life. It was as though I was just kind of unconnected and not actually with it at all, however perhaps it was better than being totally freaked out all the time however still it was no way to live. But in college, I was first introduced to recreational marijuana. I do not remember what the strain or the THC content of that cannabis product, however it changed my life. It was almost as though my stress melted away and was updated with hope and calm, then eventually, with the help of my doctor, I weaned off the medications! Now I just make sure that I get the local cannabis spot for a hybrid strains or just plain sativa. And as long as the cannabis dispensary has what I need, I’ll be showing up there a few times a month with a big smile and it sure beats hiding under my bed.