I talk to a lot of people who discovered holistic health because of physical fitness, however my story is a little different than that, because I was never that interested in physical fitness… I typically watch what I eat, drink a lot of water, and stay active.
I care about the way I look, however at the same time I suppose my confidence and my self-esteem are both very low! When I got interested in holistic health it was because my mind and my spirit needed a jump-start.
I needed my mind and my spirit to align with my body, as a way to make me a better human being. It turns out the key to this was using recreational marijuana. When Jenny dumped me I got so depressed, and drinking alcohol only made that depression worse. If my friend hadn’t insisted I smoke some recreational weed with him one night, I actually would have spiraled into alcoholism, then unlike alcohol, there are no addictive properties to recreational cannabis, although recreational weed had long been demonized and vilified by the Church and the cops, it easily is a natural form of medicine that can help people. I don’t want to say that recreational pot cured my depression, however it sure did help me climb out of a deep, dark pit of despair. I started using recreational cannabis daily, and before too long I wasn’t thinking about Jenny at all! I am in no way giving you medical advice, because I am not qualified for that, however I think if you are trying to chase your reds away, use recreational cannabis instead of alcohol.