Every morning when I wake up, I get to smell freshly brewed coffee.
My coffee pot has a timer and I can set an alarm so the pot starts brewing every morning at 6:30.
I don’t actually have to be at my job until 9:00 a.m., but I like to have lots of time in the morning to relax. I usually make myself some eggs and bacon for breakfast, but sometimes I will mix it up and have a bagel or pancakes. I make my own coffee and breakfast. A lot of my coworkers buy breakfast and coffee on the way to work every single morning. They probably spent at least $10 every day and that’s $300 each month. I can save that money and put it into my car. My car hasn’t been running great lately and every time I go to work I take a chance that it is going to break down. I work for a recreational and medical marijuana delivery service. The recreational and medical marijuana delivery service is right around the corner from my apartment, but I have to drive all over town throughout the day to deliver orders. I’m constantly driving from one place to the next and then back to the recreational and medical marijuana delivery service to pick up more products. I’m in a constant state of worry that my car is going to break down. It was making a weird noise last week and the mechanic told me that I need a tune-up. I’m currently saving all of my tip money so I can take it to the shop in 2 weeks.
medical cannabis store