My daughter had been using medical marijuana for several years and she was free with her discussions on it.
By the time she moved out of state, I knew more than I ever wanted to know about marijuana.
She told me about the sativa she used during the daytime to help with her anxiety. Sativa strains could help her to maintain the anxiety without making her tired. When it came time for bed, she used an Indica strain. She was interested in the high that medical marijuana could give him, but she was interested in its calming effects. Once my daughter moved away, I missed talking to her. I wanted to try medical marijuana, but I didn’t know who to talk to. When my best friend told me that her son worked in a medical marijuana dispensary, she said he could answer most of my questions. I wanted to know if he thought medical marijuana could help with my depression. He was talking about different marijuana products, including hybrids. I told him I knew what Sativa and Indica were, but I had no idea what hybrids were. He explained that a hybrid was a product that came from mixing different strains. I assumed that some hybrids would make you sleepy and others didn’t, but I wanted to purchase medical marijuana because I was sure of the effects. Once I got my medical marijuana ID card, I went to the dispensary where my friend’s son worked. He helped me to choose some different marijuana products that included both Sativa and Indica, but he didn’t give me any hybrid products.