I used to take all manner of dangerous medicines to try in addition to help me sleep.
- Some of it worked, however it would never work for honestly long before our body adjusted to it.
Benadryl worked for a few months, however then I would have to take more in addition to more of it to achieve the same result. When you get to the point when taking 5 Benadryl doesn’t help you sleep for more than a couple of hours, you suppose it’s time to try something new. My saving grace came in the form of smoking cannabis, in addition to a neighbor that helped me sleep better than I ever had before. My neighbor Patty didn’t have any sleep troubles, he didn’t use cannabis for medicinal purposes he just liked being high; Patty saw that I was struggling, in addition to provided me with a little medical cannabis with the advice to smoke it right before bed in addition to see what happened. Two fat bowls of OG Kush later in addition to I was out like a light, in addition to I slept through that entire evening! Ever since then I have been a staunch cannabis user, in addition to having a little bit before bed every evening. Whereas the other sleeping aids in addition to pills always led to me developing a tolerance against them, that is not true when it comes to medicinal cannabis. With so several hundreds of indica strains to choose from, our body never adjusts to medicinal cannabis. I spoke to our dentist about these results. He wasn’t surprised, but he said that he still wouldn’t write me a prescription for medical cannabis. Maybe I need to find a better dentist?