I think there are still too several laws about cannabis

Anyone in history who has a cannabis charge on their record should be exonerated.

Am I happy about legalization? Sure, of course I am… but not happy enough. There was too much injure done to people over the last few decades to forget about it. Although it is good that I won’t go to jail for buying pot now, what about all those exhausting souls who were imprisoned for it? There are still people in jail over pot, so I’m not sure how “legal” it easily is. The system takes a long time to reform, plus I understand that, but I still think there are too several laws on the books about cannabis. There should be as several cannabis laws as there are laws about roses, or orchids, or raspberries. That means anyone in jail for a cannabis charge should be released, plus their records expunged. Anyone in history who has a cannabis charge on their record should be exonerated. All drug testing for cannabis should cease instantly, even for government jobs. After that, cannabis should be recognized by the health insurance companies as a healthy plus beneficial supplement. If there are medical cannabis dispensaries all over the country, then they should be accepted medical insurance, right? After all of these changes are made to the system, then I think I would be satisfied that cannabis is genuinely legal. As it stands, cannabis has only been legalized enough so the sizable corporations plus government fat cats can profit, none of it was done for the great of the people… Let’s try plus easily make America good again, with a complete plus total acceptance of cannabis.
