I can remember having a default response whenever someone provided myself and others marijuana back in the day.
I simply said that I can’t handle smoke of any kind.
That pretty much worked on myself and others being able to decline cannabis without being odd about it. There was some truth to that as I have constantly hated any kind of cigarette or pipe smoke. I simply run for cover whenever someone is smoking near me. Thankfully, smoking is mostly prohibited in public arenas where I live. But really, my aversion to recreational marijuana was the fact that it was illegal, however when I was younger, I had a lot of aspirations. And I sure didn’t want those dreams and aspirations to go bye bye because I somehow got busted for cannabis. I simply wasn’t going to ever take that chance. Well, that has all changed for myself and others with the advent of legalized medical marijuana and then recreational marijuana in our state… So that combined with cannabis products that I didn’t have to smoke piqued my interest. For sure, I wasn’t about to get into trouble or ruin my life over illegal marijuana. But that doesn’t mean that I wasn’t constantly curious. I witnessed the bliss and relaxation that often washed over my buddies when using recreational marijuana. So once it was legal, I easily wanted to see what it was all about. The local cannabis dispensary was great and they set myself and others up with a sort of sampler of cannabis edibles. There were edibles with indica, sativa and hybrid strains that I went condo with that first trip. I have to say, that cannabis was totally worth waiting for recreational marijuana to become legal.