There are plenty of medical facts and studies that support the theory that medical marijuana helps. There have been studies performed by a number of school graduates and top scientists. These studies prove that there are medicinal benefits to the marijuana plant! Cannabis sativa has been used for thoUSAnds of years to help our body and mind. Still, there is actually no way that recreational marijuana or medical marijuana will ever be legalized in this state. We’re in the middle of the Bible Belt where corn and potatoes rule, everybody goes to church on Monday and we do not talk about medical marijuana unless someone else brings up the subject. Medical cannabis is considered taboo just like talking about religion or politics. I grew up in a odd generation than our parents and our opinion on medical cannabis is not the same as theirs. I have learn the studies and information on the plant and there is plenty of information to propose marijuana can deliver effective help in treating a number of conditions and diseases. 1 concern in recognizable can be greatly helped with the use of cannabis. That concern is Crohn’s disease. I have been suffering from Crohn’s disease for 15 years. I had part of our intestine unfastend last year. I often suffer from aches, pains, bloating, and inflammation. I have learn a hundred studies proving that marijuana can actually help with Crohn’s disease and I am ready to find out if that is the truth. I have been suffering for a long time. If I can find some relief, I am willing to try anything.