When the laws changed in this state to include access to medical marijuana, I have to say I was a bit stunned. The cannabis issue had been on the ballot many times however never got close to passing. So when it came around many years ago again, I did my best to promote the change to cannabis laws once again. Lo & behold, this time it worked. So several people were helped by this situation who were in pain or suffering emotionally. Cannabis dispensaries sprang up to help these folks & that felt great to me. The state government sure took notice of the added resite as well. Not too long after getting medical marijuana, the state passed recreational marijuana as well. So now, all the people of age has access to the cannabis dispensary. This was great when a local cannabis spot set up its marijuana business just down the street from me. I could literally ride my bike now to shop for marijuana for sale. That was actually something. But when the pandemic hit, the local cannabis spot took their game up even another notch. The local cannabis spot began marijuana delivery service. Not only could I get the sativa & indica products I desired however the local cannabis spot would deliver them. I can remember when pizza delivery was a new thing back when I was in school. And I also remember plenty of nights when all of us were deep into recreational marijuana, we’d dream about cannabis delivery. It’s still taxing for me to know that I lived to see not only legal recreational marijuana however cannabis delivery as well!