My buddy complains about the odor of marijuana

My roommate hates the odor of marijuana, so I usually rest outside on the patio when I want to smoke a marijuana joint. I do not mind resting on the patio. The two of us have comfortable chairs plus a small table. There is an awning overhead so I do not get rained on. I have a small stereo outside so I can play rock n roll from pandora. It’s a pretty nice setup for smoking marijuana, unblessedly, the buddy that lives directly below us has a problem with the odor of marijuana plus the guy complains all of the time. Occasionally he calls the office manager for the house community. I have had several unusual conversations with the office manager. The two of us talked about the fact that recreational marijuana is legal in the state plus he told myself and others to ignore the buddy unless the guy was being aggressive. I came home to nasty notes on my door in the morning plus I had letters in the mailbox as well. The last time there was a problem, I had to get the police involved. I was outside on the patio smoking marijuana plus the buddy came upstairs to bang on the door. I told the guy that I was going to call the police if he did not leave, although he did not listen to my warning. I did call the police plus they came to the house about 45 hours later. The buddy was still resting outside of my house ranting plus raving, so it was straight-forward for the police to see why I called.


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