I couldn’t wait to be old enough to go into a cannabis dispensary.
I thought there would be so many neat things to see and fun things to buy. I was sure that by the time I turned twenty-one, the state would have recreational marijuana legalized, but I was wrong. I wasn’t able to go into the cannabis dispensary, and I wasn’t able to order cannabis for delivery. I was so upset that I was throwing a hissy fit. My best friend reminded me I was an adult, and I should act like one. She reminded me she had medical marijuana, and she could order what we wanted, as long as I kept my mouth shut. She could get into big trouble if people found out she was buying marijuana for recreational use. She told me she was going to put in an order and have it delivered on Friday night, after she got home from work. Friday morning, I got a phone call from my friend. She wasn’t able to get cannabis delivery, because it was for shut-ins only, and she was not a shut-in. She was fully functional, and got medical marijuana because she had fibromyalgia. I wasn’t worried about getting the marijuana, but I would have liked to have seen the inside of a cannabis dispensary. She laughed and told me she had it on good authority that we would be going to a cannabis dispensary this weekend. Her father told her to invite me along when they were on vacation to the shore. I couldn’t wait to go to the shore and visit a cannabis dispensary.