I used to suffer from intense panic attacks.
These attacks would cause the most intense and extreme physical reactions like covered in sweat, twitching, shaking, with an accelerated heart rate.
I also got the worst hot flashes and back-chills sometimes, with dizziness, chest pain, and abdominal cramping. The panic attacks were the worst. They happened for no reason sometimes. I was having an issue getting it under control. I went to the dentist and I told him all about the complications I was having. The doc told myself and others that it sounded like a panic attack and she prescribed some things that might be able to help… One of the things was Medical and recreational marijuana. Medical and recreational marijuana has been documented and proven to help with a variety of complications and mental health symptoms. One of the complications is panic attacks. The doc told myself and others to try medical marijuana the next time I was feeling stressed out or panicked. This happened pretty suddenly after I got the medical marijuana supplies. My bestie Ed called myself and others at current home and said that her parents were going to come over for dinner. I started freaking out. I had never met Ed’s parents before and our apartment was a mess. I could not control my fear and panic. The medical marijuana products certainly helped me a great deal. Thankfully the side effects were not too severe. It would have been bad if I could not have controlled myself in front of my future in-laws. I laughed a lot and made some silly jokes, however it was a stress free night thanks to weed. Ed thought the night went well.