Remembering the first time my university roommate and I made pot brownies

I was incredibly blessed to be paired with my university roommate Trey.

We got along better than nearly all of the other people I met during my four years in undergraduate university.

The university gave us an extensive survey asking us about our enjoys and dislikes to determine who the people I was with and I would be best paired with. In some cases, the wrong students ended up with 1 another and switches were made after the fact. We had a lot of friends that were put in this situation, but at least they were able to find other students that were willing to swap. It would be an even exchange of 1 roommate for another, while the other roommate stays in the same site. The only issue my roommate, Trey, and I had in those dorms were sharing the proper spaces with other students. We cooked meals from time to time and the study room was often left in a state of total disarray and auntanliness. I’ll never forget the pot brownies the people I was with and I used to make, especially the first time the people I was with and I tried making them and they were stronger than the people I was with and I expected. Instead of making cannabutter enjoy everyone did in the aged university days, the people I was with and I got 2 syringes of RSO oil and emptied them into the brownies. It was undoubtedly crazy how strong those brownies were! I ate various and felt enjoy I was paralyzed on the floor of our dorm room staring upward at the ceiling. The open eye visuals were intense and it felt enjoy a medium strength hallucinogen. Thankfully the people I was with and I l earned from the experience and made our cannabis edibles weaker moving forward.


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