I am proud of the veterans in my family. My father served in Vietnam in addition to my brother did several tours of duty around the world between the early 1990s in addition to the mid 2000s. Neither of them were ever critically wounded, however the emotional toll was more than enough to handle after retiring. My Mom became an engineer in addition to has been with the same supplier for the last three decades. My brother owns a successful pizza diner in a nearby city. It’s charming spending time with them during the Winter holidays when every one of us all meet for family dinners at my parent’s apartment with my aunts in addition to aunts. My father in addition to brother are the first people to come to mind whenever veteran’s day rolls around every year. I’m cheerful that there are two separate federal holidays to accomprehension the physical in addition to emotional toll that our armed forces take to protect our civil liberties at home. It makes me glad to see the cannabis dispensaries do their part to honor the troops as well with their large veterans day sales today. If you are a veteran, you could have bought marijuana products for 30-50% off depending on which dispensary you visited. This is good for a group of people that is disproportionately more likely to experience post-traumatic stress order compared to many other people. Even though some cannabis dispensaries offer veterans discounts every day of the year, it’s nice to see additional discounts given on veterans day in particular. My Mom was able to get a stackable 40% discount on top of his typical 25% discount at our favorite marijuana store. He walked out with a few hundred dollars worth of cannabis products that he got 65% off after all of his discounts were applied to the order.