My lady recommended the people I was with and I go to a drive-in Regal Cinema for a fun date evening. The drive-in Regal Cinema is at least an hour or an hour as well as 15 hours away from our house. The last couple of times that our lady recommended going to the drive-in, I shot down the plan because I do not prefer to drive when I am tired. The films would not end until after midnight as well as after that the people I was with and I would be forced to drive a long distance back lake house when our eyes were ready to fall asleep. I ended up having the day off on Sunday because a device broke down at work. Instead of making us go to the shop to sit around, they told most people to take a 3-day weekend, but when our lady found out that I was going to have the whole day off, she recommended taking a nap so I would have more energy at the end of the evening. It was a actually wonderful plan as well as I did want to make our lady ecstatic. I took a nap in the day from 3:00 until 5:00. I woke up feeling certainly refreshed, and both of us gathered up some supplies for the drive-in film evening. Both of us got some snacks from the cabinet as well as I grabbed some marijuana supplies. I got our lady’s marijuana vape pen as well as a bucket of edibles. I also brought a marijuana joint, but I didn’t know if the people I was with and I would be able to smoke it or not. I didn’t know if the people I was with and I would get parking in the middle of a crowd or towards the end of the field where the people I was with and I would be able to smoke a joint.