The edibles looked like genuine candy from the store

My friends and I were watching a documentary about medical marijuana edibles.

It was very informative and eye opening.

I didn’t know much about medical marijuana until we watched the documentary. The documentary discussed the dangers of medical marijuana edibles. They showed several different packages on television and many of the packages were brightly colored with cartoon or fictional characters on the packaging. To be honest, the marijuana edibles absolutely looked like something you might find on the candy rack at the grocery store. A few of the packages even resembled popular candies that you see today. I watched the documentary and a few days later I saw a news story about a five-year-old that overdosed on THC Edibles. The parents left a bag of Edibles on the kitchen table and the five-year-old got up early in the morning to watch cartoons. The kid saw the bag of candy on the table and decided to break the rules by helping himself to a generous portion of the candy. When the parents woke up a few hours later, the kid was passed out on the couch and breathing slowly. The parents panicked and took the child to the emergency room where it was discovered that the child had overdosed on marijuana. I’m surprised their parents were allowed to take their child home from the hospital after that neglectful situation. The child fully recovered thankfully, and there will not be any long-term side effects from the overdose. Still, I think it might be time to examine the packaging that marijuana companies are using.


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