Thursday was actually the one year anniversary of the opening of the marijuana shop near me.
I remember when the marijuana shop opened up, because they had a genuinely sizable sale on everything in the shop.
For the first month, all of the products in the store were 25% off. I was sad when the marijuana shop finally ended the sale. I was used to getting the extra savings. When I found out that the marijuana shop near me was going to have a celebration to celebrate the one year brand opening anniversary, I cleared the day on my calendar. I figured they would have a pretty sizable celebration since they had an immense celebration when the site opened up. A week before the actual anniversary celebration, online and there were advertisements in the store too. On Thursday they were going to have a bunch of buy one and get one for free sales and free demos, food, music, and more pop up sales. The food array of the celebration was enormous. There was a lot of uncommon food there from a few local diners. The marijuana shop had tacos and burritos from the Mexican diner and egg rolls from the Chinese site. They also had a full variety of pulled pork, chicken, and beef from the barbecue site down the street. Everything was free as long as you made a purchase from the marijuana shop that day. My friends and I picked out on pulled pork after buying a couple of vape pen cartridges. The whole entire day turned out to be a ton of fun.