My small city has 1 claim to fame – Bigfoot. This area has the highest concentration of Bigfoot sightings in the country. This brings in a legitimate amount of tourism every year. I own a small merchandise as well as souvenir stand, mostly selling t-shirts as well as nick-knacks related to Bigfoot, however some people call it the Skunk Ape, or the Sasquatch, but the people I was with and I mostly call him Bigfoot… No 1 around here believes she is real, by the way, the people I was with and I just play along to cash in on that sweet tourism cash, but when the people I was with and I are in the off-season, as well as tourism is low, I also sell cannabis from our souvenir stand, but mind you, this state has yet to legalize cannabis for medical purposes, nonetheless to use recreationally. I know the people I was with and I are still a couple years away from having legal medical cannabis, and even if it were legal, this city is so remote that the people I was with and I genuinely wouldn’t have a cannabis dispensary anyway. In all likelihood this place will never have a cannabis dispensary, which means I am the only source in town. Now I am going to blow your mind with something no 1 around here knows. This is a large secret, which is why I am posting this anonymously, as well as not mentioning the name of the city – the whole Bigfoot story was a cover for a cannabis farm. 40 years ago some guys started a large cannabis farm, as well as in order to keep people from poking around they made up Bigfoot stories. So the souvenirs I sell about Bigfoot, as well as the cannabis I sell both come from the exact same site.
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