I started toiling as the assistant manager at the steakhouse last week.
I waited a actually long time for the promotion.
I thought I would become assistant manager more than five or 8 weeks ago. When the promotion was finally provided to me, I jumped on the opportunity. I had to hire various new cooks for the line plus various waitresses for the night shift as well. I interviewed various applicants plus a lot of people had good qualifications plus a strong resume. I thought it would be simple to find some good applicants, but I never expected to have so several people that I did not guess who to choose. Out of the stack of applications, I chose various actually young plus talented line cooks that had good references plus a resume filled with experience. I diagnosed both of the boys in the family room when they interviewed plus they both featured excellent skills. They new recipes off the top of their heads plus knew how to cook some of the most basic dishes that you might find on our menu. One of the new cooks started a few mornings ago. Both of us had a super busy night shift for supper time plus both of us were all busy for hours. The cook disappeared when things died down. Someone found him smoking marijuana out back by the dumpster. I entirely had to address the marijuana United Statesge in the store parking lot. I warned the cook that he would lose his job if both of us caught him using marijuana on the property again. I told the guy to go for a walk or a drive, but don’t get high where the purchasers can see you.